Friday, November 18, 2011

Hey Seattle, it is a fabulous Friday. I have a Twilight hangover.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my world in Seattle. I am hopeful that this forum will be a fun place to share relevant housing and neighborhood information, fun happenings around town, some photos and interactive trivia. Let's see what this turns into.  Last night Jeff and I went to the midnight premier of Twilight-Breaking Dawn Part 1 somewhat by choice.... with 3 teen girls hopped up on sugar snacks. As you can probably imagine I feel tired however it was an interesting night. I don't want to spoil the movie by giving too much away about the flick and I am definitely not a qualified movie critic, but let me just say that the director could have just rolled 2 hours of Taylor Lautner footage and called it done. I am interested to hear about others thoughts on this important and ground breaking film.  Share!

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